Thursday, July 2, 2009

Excerpt from Idle Thoughts: Law of Happiness

In order to become truly happy, first,
1. See only your good points (strengths).
2. Cultivate your good points (strengths).
3. See only the good points (strengths) in others.
4. Cultivate the good points (strengths) in others.
5. At this stage, never be concerned about what you had thought were your bad points (weaknesses, shortcomings).
You do not need to try to correct what you had thought were your weaknesses or shortcomings. If you focus on 1 to 4 above, everything will be corrected naturally.
6. Never be concerned about what you had thought were others’ bad points (weaknesses, shortcomings).
7. Keep your heart bright.
8. Hold on to optimism to the end, and do not fall into pessimism.
9. Use your head (intellect) to bring things to the positive.
10. Any situation is simply a situation, whether it is related to personal matters or societal matters. A situation is not a problem. Do not make a situation into a problem. In any situation, the only things to do are to always keep your heart bright and deal with the matter in an appropriate way.
11. Live life getting along well with yourself and others.
12. Realize that things are good in moderation. Do not run to extremes.
That’s all.

Living in happiness is simple. You will be able to truly feel this in a surprisingly short time, if you always focus on 1 through 12 above,
After you adopt the above points, in addition, there are some things that need to be done thoroughly. They are as follows.
1. Realize that true happiness is not related to situations or conditions.
2. See the present you 100% positively.
3. Accept your past 100% positively.
4. After you have done this, take time and reflect on your past thoroughly. If you discover a mistake, vow to yourself that you will never make the same mistake again from now on.
5. Accept your future 100% positively.
6. Most importantly, do your utmost to live the present moment joyfully, getting along well with others. Realize that everything starts from here.

Please be happy from this moment. It is something everyone can do easily.
Also, do not think that you cannot do this right away. That is pessimism.
Supposing that you cannot do this, you can still live joyfully, right?

(If you have any comments regarding this blog, please send email to the address below. Comments will not be released to the general public without consent.)


Yolanda Bandrés said...

I totally agree with these "rules" to happiness. But I add one more:

Laugh in any situation. Laugh when you feel bad: it will make you feel better. Laugh when you are taking yourself and your thoughts too seriously: it will help you relax your mind. Laugh when you do not know how to go on with life: it will help you recover the magic you have lost.
And, of course, laugh when you feel happy: it will make you feel better, stronger, happier and more confident in life. And it will help everybody around you feel happy,too!

thanks for this blog. Please go on with it!

Shimananda said...

Yes - I am happy to get in the feeling of - Tenshin -
remember me or your
wonderfull, brightfull
Inochi-No / Kokoru-Seminars
Happy to here from you and
Love & Bliss to all of you in Japan
from your brother
in Germany / Bavaria
Michael Shimananda
Natur- & ElternSchule